These are vacation and camping landscape photos that bring back wonderful memories. I hope you enjoy them.
This first one is my favorite and it has a fun story behind it. Sue and I where staying in the camper cabin at Savana Portage MN State Park. One frosty morning we had to get up to use the "facilities". The sun was just coming up and the lake was covered with a soft fog. Great photo op... forgetting about the facilities I ran back and got my camera, tri-pod, and graduated filters. In my pajamas and slippers for the next 30 minutes I sat on a bench facing across the lake composing all sorts of images into the rising sun . All of them looking wonderful in my brain. (Some did turn out kind of "nice" but not worth printing.) Eventually Sue got dressed and came back to see how I was doing. She walked out onto the fishing dock and faced away from the sun and called me down to see this beautiful scene. I snapped two pictures and this is one of them. I absolutely love it! It's good to have an extra set of eyes. Thank you Sue.